How To Put An Overgrip On A Tennis Racket – 6 Simple Steps

One small adjustment that can make a big difference is adding an overgrip to your racket. Overgrips not only enhance your grip and control but also provide added comfort during those intense rallies. 

To put an overgrip on a tennis racket, start at the handle’s base and wrap the overgrip tightly, overlapping it slightly as you go up the handle. Secure the end with the provided tape or adhesive strip. Trim any excess overgrip if needed.

we will guide you through how to put an overgrip on a tennis racket. Get ready to take your game up a notch with this simple yet effective technique!

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Wrap an Overgrip

We provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to put on an overgrip for your tennis racket. It’s a straightforward process that can significantly improve your grip and control while playing. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Prepare Your Racket

Before you start putting on the overgrip, make sure your tennis racket is clean and dry. Remove any existing grip or racket tape to ensure a smooth surface.

Step 2: Unroll the Overgrip

Unwrap the overgrip from its packaging, being careful not to stretch or twist it. Lay it out flat and find the tapered end, which will be narrower than the rest of the grip.

Step 3: Positioning

Hold your racket with your dominant hand and place the tapered end of the soft grip at about two inches above the butt cap. Make sure that there is enough excess at both ends for wrapping.

Step 4: Start Wrapping

With a firm grip on one side of the soft grip, wrap it tightly around your racket handle in an overlapping manner. Each new layer should cover about half of the previous layer.

Note: Be mindful of the side from which you peeled off the plastic backing on the overgrip. The sticky side is the one that should come in contact with your racket handle.

Step 5: Continue Wrapping

As you progress up towards the head of your racket, continue wrapping until you reach just below where you want to finish. Leave some excess length for securing later.

Step 6: Secure and Finish

To secure the racket tape in place, use adhesive tape or finishing tape provided with some grips. Wrap it tightly around multiple times near where you want it to end. Cut off any remaining excess material.
Following these steps will help ensure a tight and comfortable fit for your new soft grip! Happy playing!

Benefits of Using an Overgrip on a Tennis Racket

Using a tennis overgrip on a racquet can provide several benefits that can greatly enhance your playing experience.
Enhanced Comfort and GripOvergrips provide increased comfort and cushioning while absorbing sweat and moisture, preventing slippage during intense rallies. This ensures a secure grip, leading to better control and shot accuracy.

Blisters and Calluses Prevention: The soft texture of overgrips reduces friction between your skin and the racket handle, minimizing the risk of blisters and calluses during extended matches or practice sessions.

Improved Racket Feel: Overgrips add a slightly thicker layer, enhancing touch sensitivity. This improved tactile connection with the racket translates to more precise shots and better shot placement.

Personalization: Overgrips come in various colors and designs, allowing players to personalize their rackets to match their style. It also helps in quickly identifying your equipment on the court.

In summary, using a soft grip not only ensures practical benefits like comfort and grip but also adds a unique touch to your tennis game. So don’t hesitate – get a tape grip today and elevate your tennis skills!”

Common Mistakes When Applying an Overgrip and How to Avoid Them

When it comes to applying a tape grip on your tennis racket, there are a few common mistakes that many players make. These mistakes can affect the longevity and effectiveness of the grip.

Prepare the Handle

Ensure the racket handle is clean by removing any old grips or adhesive residue. A clean surface ensures better adhesion for your new soft grip.

Don’t Pull Too Tight

While it’s important to have a secure grip, avoid pulling the tape too tightly. Excessive tension can cause puckering and unevenness. Apply gentle pressure for a smooth and comfortable finish.

Align the Starting Point

Before wrapping, align the starting edge of your tape correctly with the racket’s butt cap. This ensures that your grip remains straight over time.

Finish Properly

Don’t neglect the finishing step. Secure the end of the wrap using electrical tape or tennis-specific finishing tape. This prevents unraveling and maintains a neat appearance.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following the correct techniques, you’ll enjoy all the benefits of your wrap without any issues. Take your time, be meticulous, and maximize your advantage on the court!

Tips for Maintaining Your Overgrip

When it comes to maintaining your soft wrap, there are a few simple tips that can help prolong its lifespan and keep it in optimal condition.

Regular Cleaning

After each use, wipe your overgrip with a damp cloth to remove dirt and sweat buildup.

Timely Replacement

Keep an eye out for signs of wear, like fraying edges or loss of tackiness, and replace the overgrip when needed.

Proper Storage

Avoid extreme temperatures and direct sunlight to prevent the overgrip material from deteriorating.

Moderate Wrapping

Wrap the overgrip securely but avoid excessive tightness to prevent premature wear.

Adhesive Spray

Consider using a specialized adhesive spray for overgrips if you notice reduced tackiness.

By following these maintenance tips, you’ll ensure that your overgrip remains durable and provides optimal performance on the court!

Alternatives to Overgrips

While overgrips are a popular choice for many tennis players, there are alternative options available that can provide a similar level of comfort and grip. 

Replacement Grips

Unlike overgrips, these fully replace the original grip on your racket, offering a fresh feel.

Tacky or Sticky Grips

These grips have adhesive properties for excellent hand-to-racket traction, ideal for humid conditions.

Cushioned Grips

They provide extra padding and shock absorption, reducing strain on your palm and fingers during play.

Eco-Friendly Grips

Made from sustainable materials like recycled rubber or organic cotton, these grips offer good traction while being environmentally responsible.
The choice between overgrips and their alternatives depends on personal preference and playing style. It’s worth experimenting with different options to find what works best for you!


In conclusion, putting an overgrip on your tennis racket is a straightforward process that can greatly enhance your game. Remember to prepare the racket handle, start at the butt cap, wrap it smoothly with gentle tension, align it correctly, and finish with tape for a secure grip. With these steps, you’ll enjoy improved comfort, control, and a personalized touch to your tennis gear. So, grab an overgrip, follow these steps, and hit the court with confidence!


Do you put an overgrip over the original grip? 

Yes, typically, an overgrip is applied over the original grip of a tennis racket.

Which side of the overgrip to use? 

The less textured side of the overgrip is the one to be used, providing a smoother surface for your hand.

Can you just use an overgrip on a tennis racket? 

Yes, you can use just an overgrip on a tennis racket, especially if you prefer a thinner grip or want to change the feel of your handle.

What is the difference between grip and overgrip? 

A grip is the original, often thicker, base layer on a tennis racket handle, while an overgrip is a thinner layer applied over the grip for added comfort and customization.

Can you put 2 overgrips on a racquet? 

Yes, you can put 2 overgrips on a racket if you desire a thicker grip or need to replace the first overgrip when it wears out.