Why Put Tennis Balls On Walker – Reasons

Is someone you know dealing with mobility challenges, making it difficult to use a walker smoothly? The frustration caused by uneven terrain and the constant jarring bumps can be disheartening. 

However, there’s a simple and effective solution that can significantly enhance your walker’s performance and overall movement: putting tennis balls on your walker. Tennis balls are put on a walker to reduce friction, improve maneuverability, protect floors, and minimize noise when using the walker.

Let’s explore why putting tennis balls on a walker straightforward and practical solution that can help senior citizens regain confidence and independence in their movements.

What Are Tennis Balls Used for on Walkers?

Tennis balls are not just for the tennis court! When it comes to walkers, these small round objects play a crucial role in improving stability and movement. So what exactly are they used for?


Tennis balls grip the floor, preventing slips and falls, especially on smooth or slippery surfaces like tile or hardwood surfaces.

Shock Absorbers

When you walk with your walker, tennis balls compress, cushioning each step and reducing the impact on your body. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with joint pain or arthritis.

Floor Protection

Tennis balls cover metal walker tips, safeguarding your floors from scratches and scuffs. You can move across any surface without leaving marks behind.

Tennis balls prove to be versatile additions to walkers, offering grip, shock absorption, and floor protection beyond their usual sporting use.

How to Properly Attach Tennis Balls to Your Walker

Attaching tennis balls to your walker is a simple yet effective, cheap and safer way to enhance its stability and maneuverability. Here’s how you can properly attach them:

1. Start by selecting the right size of tennis balls for your walker. Ensure that they fit snugly over the legs, providing a secure grip.

2. Use a sharp knife or scissors to make an X-shaped incision on each ball. This allows them to slide onto the legs easily.

3. Holding one side of the X-shaped cut, stretch the opening wide enough to fit over the walker.

4. Carefully push and twist the ball onto each limb until it sits securely in place.

5. Test each ball by applying pressure on different surfaces and angles to ensure they are firmly attached.

Remember, regularly check and tighten the balls as needed to maintain their effectiveness over time.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your tennis balls are properly attached to provide added stability and ease while using your walker. So why wait? Give it a try and experience improved movement today!

Tips for Choosing the Right Tennis Balls for Your Walker

When it comes to choosing the right tennis balls for your walker, there are a few important factors to consider.

Size Matters: Ensure Proper Fit

Measure Walker’s Leg Diameter

Match Tennis Ball Size Accordingly

Durability Counts: Opt for Quality

Look for High-Quality Materials

Sturdy Construction for Longevity

Grip and Traction: Enhance Stability

Ensure Adequate hold on Various Surfaces

Consider Textured Bottoms or Rubber Grips

Aesthetics and Personal Style: Adding a Flair

Explore Colorful or Patterned Tennis Balls

Customize Your Walker’s Look

By following these guidelines for selecting the right tennis balls for your walker, you can improve safety and stability while adding a personal touch to your movement aid.

Alternative Options for Adding Stability to Your Walker

While tennis balls are a popular choice for adding stability to walkers, there are also alternative options available that can serve the same purpose. These alternatives may be more suitable for individuals who prefer not to use tennis balls or who require additional stability.

While tennis balls are a popular choice for enhancing walker stability, there are alternative options available to cater to different preferences and stability needs.

1. Walker Glides or Ski Glides

  • Smooth Maneuverability: Attach directly to walker’s legs, featuring a smooth surface that glides easily across various flooring types.
  • Reduced Friction: Minimizes friction, making it easier to navigate the walker.
  • Stable Base: Offers stability without the use of tennis balls.

2. Rubber Tips or Ferrules

  • Excellent Traction: Add non-slip rubber tips to walker leg bottoms for superior hold on different surfaces.
  • Prevent Slipping: Grips the ground, preventing unwanted slipping or sliding.

3. Wheeled Walkers with Locking Brakes

  • Enhanced Control: Combines wheels and brakes for improved control and stability.
  • Smooth Movement: Allows smooth forward motion while providing balance control when necessary.

4. Walkers with Built-in Shock Absorbers

  • Minimized Impact: Some walkers feature shock absorbers or suspension systems that reduce impact when walking on uneven terrain.
  • Smoother Ride: Enhances stability by minimizing vibrations and offering a smoother walking experience.

Always prioritize safety when using alternative options on your walker by securely attaching them and regularly checking for wear and tear.

The Importance of Regular Tennis Ball Replacement

Regularly replacing the tennis balls on your walker is essential to maintain stability and safety while using your mobility aid. Over time, constant friction and pressure can cause these balls to wear down, leading to reduced effectiveness.

Why Regular Replacement is Crucial:

Sustaining Traction and Grip: Tennis balls provide grip and hold when maneuvering with your walker. As the tread wears down, slippage and difficulties on various surfaces may occur.

Preserving Overall Stability: Worn-out tennis balls can compromise your walker’s stability. Reduced grip increases the risk of balance issues and potential falls or accidents. Regular inspection and replacement ensure your walker performs optimally.

Hygiene Considerations: With time, dirt, debris, and bacteria can accumulate on the ball’s surface, exposed to various environments. Regular replacement maintains cleanliness and reduces health risks associated with contaminated equipment.

Keeping a vigilant eye on your walker’s tennis ball condition is crucial for safety and functionality. By consistently assessing their wear and promptly replacing them when needed, you enhance traction, stability, and hygiene standards, ensuring a smoother walking experience with your trusted mobility aid.


Tennis balls on the walker’s legs serve a clear purpose: they reduce friction, making it easier to move the walker. They also protect indoor surfaces, minimize noise, and improve stability on various surfaces. This modification is cost-effective and greatly enhances the walker experience for those with mobility challenges.


Should I put tennis balls on a walker? 

Yes, if you want to reduce friction, protect the surface, and improve walker mobility, attaching tennis balls to the walker’s legs can be a practical choice.

How do you use a tennis ball for a walker? 

Cut a small slit in each tennis ball and slide them onto the limb of the walker. Ensure they fit snugly to reduce friction and improve maneuverability.

What can I use instead of tennis balls on a walker? 

You can use specialized walker glides or tips designed for this purpose, or consider alternatives like furniture sliders or rubber crutch tips.

How do you walk with a walker with wheels? 

To use a walker with wheels, simply push it forward while maintaining a stable and upright posture. Ensure the brakes are engaged when needed for stability and safety.

What are walkers with wheels useful for? 

Walkers with wheels are useful for individuals with limited mobility as they provide support and ease of movement, particularly on smooth surfaces.

What is the correct way to use a walker? 

Stand upright, hold the walker handles, and take small steps. Move the walker forward as you step, ensuring all four legs remain in contact with the ground for stability and support. Always follow your healthcare provider’s instructions for proper use.